Prayer Requests

Submit a Prayer Request

  • I'm 43 ,Never been in a relationship..Pray GOD brings me (Phil Chavez) lady companion for loving relationship in JESUS Name Amen.Pray GOD brings me relationship exceedingly abundantly above what i can imagine in JESUS Name Amen.
    Phil Chavez - Apr 03 2015
  • Asking all my friends to pray for me
    Your Friend - Feb 24 2015
  • Please Please Please Pray the HOLY SPIRIT leads as many people possible to pray for this Prayer Request...Please Pray with all your faith that GOD will Bless me (Phil Chavez) with my Soul Mate as soon as it is possible with GOD .I've never had a girlfriend and been Praying and hoping for one for at least 20 years,I'm 42 years old now....Pray also GOD Blesses every person that Prays for me...Thank You
    Phil Chavez - Feb 13 2015
  • Please Please Please Pray the HOLY SPIRIT leads as many people possible to pray for this Prayer Request...Please Pray with all your faith that GOD will Bless me (Phil Chavez) with my Soul Mate as soon as it is possible with GOD .I've never had a girlfriend and been Praying and hoping for one for at least 20 years,I'm 42 years old now....Pray also GOD Blesses every person that Prays for me...Thank You
    Phil Chavez - Dec 06 2014
  • Please Pray with all your faith that GOD will Bless me (Phil Chavez) with my Soul Mate as soon as it is possible with GOD .I've never had a girlfriend and been Praying and hoping for one for at least 19 years,I'm 41 years old now.... Thank You for Your Prayers
    Phil Chavez - Jan 05 2014
  • Please pray for all the children in the British Virgin Islands and around the world who live in abused homes. Pray for all the children who are being sexually, emotionally and verbally abused.
    Youth - Sep 14 2013
  • Please pray for the youths of the British Virgin Islands. In these perilous times they need all the prayers they can get.
    Most known Unknown - Sep 14 2013
    therese caron - Apr 05 2013
  • please pray for salvation to (irene) and his boyfriend.
    george morandante - Mar 18 2013
  • I have a friend in New York that was recently diagnosed with a serve case of Cancer. Please pray for her that God may encourage her and give her healing. I am also requesting that you keep me in your prayers as I minister to her.
    Member Maranatha - Feb 22 2013
  • I need plenty more belief, plenty more power of prayer and more Holy Ghost with me. Please pray also that God gives me gifts of God's grade.
    Eero Vahter - Feb 16 2013
  • I am in preaching ministry in church,doing secular job also,facing temptations,My mother is widow,Kindly pray for my marraige,It is a need of our family,Pl pray for us.Thanks.
    DIPAK SAMUEL - Feb 07 2013
  • please pray for me that the Lord by his devine will opens a door for me concerning a job and that also our needs are met here where we live that our bills are paid and for a breakthru in our finances and for our church that the Lord will add daily as he sees fit and open doors for my husband and i for great small few friendships in the ministry that we can glean from and be a bless to as well. also pray that repairs with my car by mercedes will be fulfill as i was going thru some diffucult time with the lien holder and insurance co pray for the victory. thanks, patricia
    patricia b - Jan 11 2013
  • I pray for Rodelyn Acman who lives in the Philippines, please agree with me. I pray that the LORD would forever take care of her, and be the total solutions of all kinds of problems to her, I pray that all of her problems would be removed from her totally, I pray that she will enjoy everyday of her life, I pray for the continual move of the HOLY SPIRIT to her, I pray that she will become a magnet of all kinds of blessings and favor, I pray that God would make her pure, clean and blameless until she go to Heaven, I pray for the salvation and success of all her family members and relatives, I pray that she will forever dwell in the amazing love and presence of the LORD, I pray that new open doors of opportunities would be natural to her life, now and forever, I pray that she will become a regular attender of a full-gospel born-again church, I pray that she will always have a newer and newer and newer enjoyable experience with the LORD, I pray also that the LORD would make her very very very most faithful to Him, and that the LORD would become very very very faithful to her, as in most faithful to her at all times, I pray for continual revolution of her life for good and the greatest only, The LORD bless her with all kinds of blessings, natural and spiritual with all her family and relatives, I pray also that the LORD would draw good people and friends that will help her spiritually and financially, I pray for her peace, and that she will live a the very most good and best life that she can have with her family and friends, I pray for her more than I could think or ask, more than she could think or ask, the LORD keep her eternally blessed in JESUS MIGHTY NAME AMEN!
    Irvin Carson - Dec 06 2012
  • Prayer for Maranatha to develop a music ministry.
    Tessa - Aug 26 2012
  • I irritated or brought some concern to an acquaintance named Dana. As a result, interaction between us will be reduced. That grieves me, because I would have some good opportunites for spiritual growth in interacting with her more. If you would, pray that God put things right and make the best of this situation, and also, that God help me to grow spiritually in all good ways. Thanks! dz
    david zaitzeff - May 14 2012
  • Pray for my thefight aginst false doctrine here who will not confess Jesus blood in salvation,thanks for helping ,pray for my the eyes healing what they has woundet ,thanks ,kiejo sweden
    keijo leppioja - Apr 16 2012
  • Please Pray my soulmate has already been prepared for me and I have already been prepared for my soulmate.Pray GOD unites me and my soulmate together real soon.Never been on a date or ever had a girlfriend and been Praying and hoping for this for at least 18 years...Prov 13:12 Hope deferred maketh the heart sick, but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life... Please Pray GOD Blesses me so i can Bless others in every way every day of my life.Pray I can help people who are targeted by every kind of evil 100% of the time.Pray GOD Blesses me to be able to expose evil 100% of the time and evil will not be able to hide once exposed.Pray a hedge of protection around mind body and soul. Pray GOD overflows me with HIS Power,HOLY SPIRIT and Presence in my life. Pray the HOLY SPIRIT is so strong in my life that satan and his servents will flee with terror because GODS presence is so strong in my life. Pray my body would be a strong vessel for the HOLY SPIRIT. Pray GOD causes satan and those used by satan great confusion when they come against me with their evil plans and Pray GOD sends His angels to to fight along side me when is happens.Pray GOD cuffs me in His Hand when evil comes against me.Pray GOD raises me lightyears above satan and those used by satan to glorify GOD.Pray GOD watches over me at all times.Pray GOD takes away all my fear and increases my faith.Pray GOD heals my body completely.Pray all the people that have seen my Prayer Requests in past years will be reminded to Pray for my Prayer Requests again.Pray all the people who saw my Prayer Requests in the past years will have it put it in their hearts and minds to Pray for my past Prayer Requests again...In JESUS Name Amen...Thanks for your Prayers...
    Phil - Sep 10 2011
  • Please pray for my family as we are face with a terrible situation. I beg for God's mercy and help upon us. Please also pray for my husband's job to be protected. Please pray for me too.I believe in real miracles even at this moment.
    Mindy Ak - Sep 08 2011
  • Plz Pray for me to Jesus that all my problems related to Romeo should be solved & My should Always Be Happy...
    Priya Lee - Jun 30 2011
  • Please, Pray for us Student Ministry in Papua New Guinea, esp Simbu Adventist Students Association-SASA, for our upcoming convention around December and members of the association as a whole. This will be our 23rd anneversary since 1989, combined with the laymens association and we urge your prayers to be inspiring and also in our preparation. We are students and there are cost involved. Thanks & Regards President
    Sailas Samson Kumunokito - Jun 28 2011
  • Please pray for GOD’s Work for the "BLESSED REVIVAL YOUTH MEETINGS" in the month of June 10, 11, and 12 @ DHONE, in KARNOOL District. AP_State, INDIA By History makers
    joe benny - Jun 02 2011
  • Kindly pray for Mr. Algin I.Lida for: a. protection, guidance and perseverance to his work in Saudi Arabia. b. protection from any temptation from his surroundings. c. god will use his hands to heal every patients that he will touch. Even his part time outside. d. pray for gods discernment to come to be able to know gods purpose and plan after his end contract in the company. e. pray for a humble spirit, positive and good attitude to be with him in his work. f. pray that god will open new door for a new career or a new employer after his work in the company. g. pray for his mother mrs cornelia lida to prolong her life. h. pray for reconstruction of his very old family house. i. pray for financial breakthrough to come to mr. algin lida, that he will able to help his mom, nieces and nephews financially j. pray for wisdom and knowledge in every decision mr algin lida will make.
    algin lida - Feb 13 2011
  • Having relationship problems with my boyfriend. I had to move out. PLease keep my in your prayers
    xxxx - Jan 21 2011
  • Went into the hospital on Wednesday. Please keep me in your prayers
    GEM - Jan 21 2011
  • please pray for my husband's job to be blessed and protected as he is going through these very hard and trying times. please also pray for blessings upon my work too.
    Mindy - Nov 01 2010
  • Pray GOD will Bless and answer the Prayers of everyone who has Prayed or will Pray for my Prayer Request In JESUS Name... Please Pray this Prayer as the HOLY SPIRIT leads or Pray over the parts of this Prayer you agree with....Please pray GOD gives me all the desires of my heart that are righteous in GODs eyes In JESUS Name...Pray GOD sends me on the mission He has for me now In JESUS Name...Pray GOD raises me a mile above Satan and those used by Satan to glorify GOD In JESUS Name...Pray GOD Blesses me financially now and always In JESUS Name...Pray GOD heals my body completely In JESUS Name.Pray GOD brings me my soulmate if its meant for me to be married,if its not meant for me to be married Pray GOD takes away all desires to be with any woman In JESUS Name ...............Please give this Prayer Request to your Prayer Warriors,church staff or do whatever you want with this prayer request...Pray if there is any demons blocking blocking this Prayer Request,Pray GOD will remove them from blocking this Prayer Request..Thank You very much ...Phil from California USA. This Email has been sent out all over the world to over a 100,000 people,and will continue to be sent to Ministers,Churches and Christians until the Prayer is answered. Genesis 32:24 So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. 25 When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. 26 Then the man said, "Let me go, for it is daybreak." But Jacob replied, "I will not let you go unless you bless me." Pray GOD will Bless and answer the Prayers of everyone who has Prayed or will Pray for my Prayer Request In JESUS Name...
    Phil - Mar 18 2010
  • Pray GOD will Bless and answer the Prayers of everyone who has Prayed or will Pray for my Prayer Request In JESUS Name... Please Pray this Prayer as the HOLY SPIRIT leads or Pray over the parts of this Prayer you agree with....Please pray GOD gives me all the desires of my heart that are righteous in GODs eyes In JESUS Name...Pray GOD sends me on the mission He has for me now In JESUS Name...Pray GOD raises me a mile above Satan and those used by Satan to glorify GOD In JESUS Name...Pray GOD Blesses me financially now and always In JESUS Name...Pray GOD heals my body completely In JESUS Name.Pray GOD brings me my soulmate if its meant for me to be married,if its not meant for me to be married Pray GOD takes away all desires to be with any woman In JESUS Name ...............Please give this Prayer Request to your Prayer Warriors,church staff or do whatever you want with this prayer request...Pray if there is any demons blocking blocking this Prayer Request,Pray GOD will remove them from blocking this Prayer Request..Thank You very much ...Phil from California USA. This Email has been sent out all over the world to over a 100,000 people,and will continue to be sent to Ministers,Churches and Christians until the Prayer is answered. Genesis 32:24 So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. 25 When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. 26 Then the man said, "Let me go, for it is daybreak." But Jacob replied, "I will not let you go unless you bless me." Pray GOD will Bless and answer the Prayers of everyone who has Prayed or will Pray for my Prayer Request In JESUS Name...
    Phil - Mar 17 2010
  • Please pray for my mariage. We have been married for 14 years and have 4 awsome kids. I have never been able to make enough money to support my family and in the past had a very unstable work history. My wife says that she dosen't love me or respect me any more. She is going to school now so that she can support hersef and divorce me. I have made alot of changes but she says its too late. I am willing to do anything to win back her love and respect. We are very broken and disfunctiional people. Please pray for a miracle to heal and save our family. Pray that there will be a transformation of hope and love.
    David Lehman - Jan 28 2010
  • My name is Pastor Conrad J. White and I would be eternally grateful if you would earnestly partition the throne of God for my two requests. I am trying to flood heaven as much as possible with this matter. The two requests are as follows: (1) We are trying to start a church plant in upstate New York. Please pray that God would bless, lead and guide the whole endeavor. We need resources such as prayer warriors, musicians, workers and money. (2) A multimedia project designed to spread the gospel of Jesus to the world called R.O.A.R. We would like to share the three angels messages centered in Jesus to the world. Pray for our success. Thank you ever so much Conrad J. White
    Conrad White - Jul 23 2009
  • Hello i would like to ask prayer, my spiritual life is very bad, i curse and get angry with God often, i hardly have any income from my massage business, i just moved to paris france from florida and i have no friends, very lonely, i feel like i am forced by God to pray all the time, people treat me bad for no reason! Please pray than you Fabien my website
    fab cha - Apr 26 2009
  • My cousin was diagnosed with cancer yesterday and she should have started treatment last night. Her name is Dessa Garnette. Please add her to your prayer list.
    church member - Jan 29 2009
  • My son will have a surgery today at 6a.m. Please keep him in your prayers.
    Joel Gumbs - Jan 29 2009
  • I am about to apply to the university of Algarve, Portugal. Pray that I will be successful and that I will be able to go and further my studies.
    Howard Robin - Dec 01 2008
  • Recently, the daughter of a lady that lives in the BVI was kidnapped in Jamaica. The mother is requesting prayer from the church. Let us pray that God provides an urgent solution to this request
    Church Member - Nov 28 2008
  • Please pray for my friend's mother in Vietnam. Her name is Tan. She has been suffering for a long time and needs prayer for healing. My friend is also requesting that we pray for her Mother to be "more positive, happy with her life and dont worry too much about sickness"
    P F - Nov 09 2008
  • Pray that my pray will be answered as it relates to continuing my studies in September. I hope that everything will work out if it's the will of God.
    Howard Robin - Nov 08 2008
  • That this Sabbath day, will be one of renewal for individuals in the church and the church body as a whole.
    - Nov 07 2008
  • (Terrorist plotting against the U.S,Taliban,Bath Party officials,those caught in the battlefield fighting against U.S troops and enemies of the U.S).When these enemies are caught by the U.S,Pray GOD makes all these enemies tell the truth about everything they know,holding nothing back when talking to U.S interigators.Pray all these enemies of the U.S are forced to tell the truth about everything they know when asked by U.S interigators,just like Demons were forced to to the truth when they were asked questions by JESUS and the apostles in the old testament.....Many in the Liberal media pretend to be objective and unbiased,but they are not objective and they are biased.Pray GOD makes all bias liberals in the media tell the truth to their American audience always.Pray they will not have any control of themselves and won't be able to deceive the American people anymore.No more covering up,and no more hiding the truth...Liberals in the government deceive people and use the liberal media to cover for them.Pray liberals in our government will not be able to lie to,or deceive the American people anymore.Pray GOD makes all liberals in our government tell the truth to the American people,no more covering up,and no more hiding the truth.Pray they will have no control over themselves and will not be able to lie, or deceive the American people no more.Pray GOD makes them tell the truth the way He makes demons tell the truth In JESUS Name.
    Fil - Oct 27 2008
  • My prayer is that each person at this fellowship, will give in to the Gosple Commisson, thus resulting in The Eternal Kingdom. God's bless.
    Lionel Penn II - Sep 30 2008
  • Please pray for me that in full surrender of my life to God I will continue to be an instrument in his hands to help others to the kingdom of God
    Joan Penn - Aug 22 2008
  • Please pray that God helps my cousin complete his schooling this semester
    - Aug 22 2008